Support Windows 10
This release adds support for Windows 10.
Improved Blood Pressure Analysis
This release of the BP-2000 Analysis Software, together with other recent releases, provides better systolic detection, adds several new features, and resolves a problem that sometimes led to a crash.
- USB drivers automatically installed.
- Supports Windows 8.1
- All Windows user accounts now use the same BP-2000 settings and pressure calibration data.
- Automatically rejects invalid BP values associated with very low amplitude waveforms.
- Change systolic or diastolic pressure values. When reviewing waveforms, you can click-and-drag the vertical line to a different location to change the systolic or diastolic value.
- Add systolic or diastolic pressure values. If the software does not detect systolic (or diastolic), but the waveform appears good, you can add them by opening the waveform, right-clicking, choosing "Add Systolic/Diastolic" on the popup menu, and moving the indicator line(s) to the desired location.
- Reports now exported by default to "Exported BP-2000 Folder" on desktop.
- Resolves a crash that occasionally occurred for some users.
Improved Blood Pressure Analysis & Movement Detection
This release of the BP-2000 Analysis Software, together with other recent releases, has many significant improvements and new features, including improved animal movement detection and more precise measurements.